Our desire is for everyone to enjoy an everyday relationship with Jesus. Getting into the Word and studying it with others helps us grow in faith and community.

While we are no longer creating new monthly Bible studies, we invite you to explore our archive of past studies (below), filled with valuable resources to guide your time in Scripture. These studies are available for you to use at any time, whether on your own or with a group.

To help you engage with God’s Word, we also offer the 4x4 Bible Study bookmark, a simple and effective tool for studying any passage of Scripture. You can download the bookmark images and use them to guide meaningful discussions in your personal study or small group.

The 4x4 Bible Study method is simple:

📖 Gather four friends

⏳ Meet for one hour each week

🔍 Study four passages

💬 Answer four key questions

Explore our past studies and download the 4x4 Bible Study bookmark today to grow deeper in your faith!


  • Intentional marriage


    1. What is the context of this instruction about marriage?

    2. What can we learn about the LORD’s plan for marriage from this passage?

    3. What is the LORD’s instruction here about making marriage work?

    4. What did the LORD personally want you to hear from this study?

    Week 1— GENESIS 2:15-25

    Week 2— MATTHEW 19:1-12

    Week 3— EPHESIANS 5:21-33

    Week 4— I PETER 3:1-7

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  • Questions:

    1. What are the Principles to Understand?

    2. What are the Examples to Follow?

    3. What are the changes THE LORD would want you to make in your attitude, words, or actions?   

    4. What did you appreciate the most from this passage?

    Week 1— Acts 6:1-7

    Week 2— MATTHEW 4:12-25

    Week 3— Matthew 5:1-12

    Week 4— Matthew 5:13-16

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  • Questions:

    1. How is JESUS raising the bar in this passage?

    2. What did you better understand about the LORD?  Yourself?

    3. What was personally most convicting from these words of JESUS?

    4. What did you appreciate the most from this study?

    Week 1: MATTHEW 5:17-20

    Week 2: MATTHEW 5:21-26

    Week 3: MATTHEW 5:27-32

    Week 4: MATTHEW 5:33-37

    Week 5: MATTHEW 5:38-48

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  • Questions:

    1. From this passage, what is obvious that JESUS does not like?

    2. From this passage, you might be a hypocrite if you… (finish the sentence).

    3. What is an obvious core value that JESUS is teaching in this passage?

    4. What was the LORD’s personal message to you from your reflection in this study?

    WEEK 1: MATTHEW 6:1-15

    WEEK 2: MATTHEW 6:16-24

    WEEK 3: MATTHEW 6:25-34

    WEEK4: MATTHEW 7:1-6

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    1. What do you consider to be the important messages from the LORD from this passage?

    2. What is revealed about the LORD in this passage that ought to cause us to worship HIM?

    3. After reflecting on this passage, what do you realize about yourself?

    4. In an attempt to be faithful with this section of Scripture— what will you Think, Feel, Do, and Pray as a result of this study?

    Week 1: Matthew 7:7-12

    Week 2: Matthew 7: 13-29

    Week 3: 1 Thessalonians 1

    Week 4: Acts 2:42-47

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    1. From the context of this verse, what makes this such a powerful statement?

    2. From this verse, what can we learn about the LORD? 

    3. What do you learn about yourself? 

    4. Why would this be a great life verse for someone?  

    Week 1: Galatians 2:20

    Week 2: John 3:30

    Week 3: John 15:5

    Week 4: Philippians 4:13

    Week 5: Matthew 6:33

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    1. From the context of this verse, what makes this such a powerful statement?

    2. From this verse, what can we learn about the LORD? 

    3. What do you learn about yourself? 

    4. Why would this be a great life verse for someone?  

    Week 1: 2 Timothy 1:7

    Week 2: Matthew 28:19

    Week 3: Joshua 1:9, Ephesians 3:20

    Week 4: Matthew 11:28-30

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    1. How does this chapter answer the question, “Who is this JESUS?”?

    2. How does this passage show us how to follow Jesus?

    3. From your time of reflection in this text, what do you sense HE wants you to do this week?

    4. What GOOD NEWS from your study of this passage ought you to be ready to share with others?

    Week 1: Mark 1

    Week 2: Mark 2

    Week 3: Mark 3

    Week 4: Mark 4

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    1. What can we discover about the LORD GOD?

    2. What is obvious from this passage about what the LORD expects from HIS children?

    3. What praise statements ought to be made to the LORD as a result of this study?

    4. What is the Good News of this passage that ought to be shared with others?

    Week 1: Genesis 1

    Week 2: Genesis 2

    Week 3: Genesis 3

    Week 4: Genesis 4

    Week 5: Genesis 5

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    1. How does this chapter answer the question, “Who is this Jesus?”

    2. How does this passage show us how to follow Jesus?

    3. From your time of reflection in this text, what do you sense HE wants you doing this week?

    4. What GOOD NEWS from your study of this passage ought you to be ready to share with other?

    Week 1: Mark 5

    Week 2: Mark 6

    Week 3: Mark 7

    Week 4: Mark 8

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    1. What is the Good news of this passage?

    2. How does this passage show us who JESUS is?

    3. How does this passage show us what JESUS is really like?

    4. How does this passage show us how to better follow JESUS?

    Week 1: Mark 9

    Week 2: Mark 10

    Week 3: Mark 11

    Week 4: Mark 12

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    1. What does the author here want us to understand about Christmas?

    2. What most interests you about this version of the Christmas story?

    3. Name one thing from this Christmas passage that you need to focus on this Christmas.

    4. What’s the good news about Christmas from this text?

    Week 1: Matthew 1:18-2:23

    Week 2: Mark 1:1-45

    Week 3: Luke 2:1-40

    Week 4: john 1:1-14

    Week 5: Galatians 4:1-8

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    1. What do you see this gospel author emphasizing with his version of the Christmas story?

    2. What is the great news of this Christmas passage?

    3. What from this passage ought to cause great rejoicing in our hearts this Christmas?

    4. What would be a great response from each of us this Christmas?

    Week 1— Matthew 1:18-25

    Week 2— Luke 2:1-12

    Week 3— Luke 2:8-21

    Week 4— Matthew 2:1-12

    Week 5— John 1:1-18

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    1. What is the JESUS way of thinking from this passage?

    2. What is the JESUS way of believing from this passage?

    3. What is the JESUS way of behaving from this passage?

    4. What really spoke to you from your reflection of this passage?

    Week 1— JOHN 11:1-44

    Week 2— PHILIPPIANS 3:7-14

    Week 3— MATTHEW 18:15-35

    Week 4— COLOSSIANS 3:12-17

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  • Generous


    1. How do you see the GENEROSITY of THE LORD?

    2. What else is revealed about THE LORD in this passage?

    3. What does the LORD expect of HIS people from this study?

    4. Inspired form this passage, what can we do this week to be more GENEROUS?

    WK 1: Matthew 20:1-15

    WK 2: Matthew 6:19-34

    WK 3: Philippians 4:10-19

    WK 4: Malachi 3:6-12

    WK 5: John 6:1-15

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  • Metaphor

    A good metaphor can provide clarity and direction. A good metaphor will reveal new understandings. God often used metaphors to reveal what He is like and how we should respond to Him. For this September’s 4x4, we will continue the theme of learning from metaphors used in the New Testament.


    1. What metaphor(s) is (are) being used in this passage?

    2. After reading this passage, what do you understand more completely?

    3. What will you pray based on what you learned in this passage?

    4. How will you put what you learned into practice today?

    WK 1: John 10:1-18

    WK 2: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

    WK 3: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

    WK 4: James 3:1-12

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  • Questions:

    1. From this passage, what truths are revealed about THE LORD?

    2. From this portion of GOD’s Word, what does the LORD expect of HIS children?

    3. From this passage, what is intended to provide us with greater confidence?

    4. From your reflection on this study, what confessions or commitments are you making?

    WK 1: 1 John 4:1-6

    WK 2: 1 John 4:7-21

    WK3: 1 John 5:1-12

    WK 4: 1 John 5:13-21

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