Life is better in circles

LIFEgroups are a small group environment focused on discipleship and friendship.

Everyone's Welcome.

Nobody's Perfect.

Anything's Possible!


Being a part of a LIFEgroup has helped to cement my foundation in Christ since my baptism. I have grown so much in my faith and confidence as a Christian, and I know without a doubt that the members of my life group (who are now family) will always challenge and support me in my journey with Christ.
— Joanna D.
I feel honored to have been invited to my LIFEgroup. I never considered myself “religious” or thought I’d ever find a church that spoke to me. Guess I was wrong! I am so grateful that our LIFEgroup helped me find true Bible based faith, what a church family really is, and higher levels of gratitude, peace, hope and joy than I ever thought possible. Our LIFEgroup has significantly changed my life and the lives of those around me. Thank you to every member for their support in this journey!
— Glen B.
I must say that being part of this LIFEgroup has showed me what it means to be part of a family in Christ. It has helped me learn and grow in my faith and develop close relationships with other followers. I had never experienced anything like this before. LIFEgroup is a blessing…all of you are a blessing to me❤️✝️
— Patricia B.
I joined a LIFEgroup back in the spring! We are a community of believers from all walks of life and come together to learn together, pray together, serve together & share life’s ups and downs. I have loved being able to dive deeper into the Word and learn the Bible together through more in-depth, authentic conversations.
— Mandi M.
LIFEgroups have Re-invigorated my love for Jesus through watching Him work in the lives of my new friends. They gave me a new little family to walk with through the good, bad, and ugly of life. (I know our group was the best…but gaining these folks to laugh, cry, shoot 🔫 , eat, learn with/from, and study God’s word with definitely changed my life forever . 💜)
— Morgan B.
While my own comfort & vulnerabilities were tested in letting other people into my personal life traumas & messy circumstances LIFEGroup allowed me the opportunity to be surrounded & encouraged by others who love & pursue Jesus which transformed my life from the inside out by the grace demonstrated by those in my LIFEGroup.”
— Devin C.
Shew…my LIFEgroup… it’s helped in so many ways…but, first and foremost, the safe space provided has helped me to grow so much and open up about things I would have otherwise tried to deal with or handle alone. The words of faith, encouragement, advice, the prayers…everything we have shared has either planted or watered a seed in my faith journey. LIFEGroup Magee rocks! I thank God for each of you every day.
— Paula D.
I do life with the people in my LIFEgroup, the good, the bad, the ugly, or the amazing. We are there for each other!
— Angela N.